
If you dont believe that you will be affected by global warming in your lifetime, thats fine. Go tell that to your children!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Global Warming Fast Facts

Brian Handwerkfor National Geographic News
December 6, 2004

Global warming is a hot topic that shows little sign of cooling down. Earth's climate is changing, but just how it's happening, and our own role in the process, is less certain.

Check out these fast facts and pictures for a snapshot of Earth's evolving climate.

Earth Hottest It's Been in 400 Years or More, Report Says

Another National Geographic feature - Check it here!

Video: Pacific Paradise to Become Sunken Treasure?

National Geographic news channel online has almost every third feature devoted to the "rising" problem of global warming and sea levels. Check out this video about how we are going to lose an entire island paradise as a result of complacency of an entire generation. View it here

Monday, June 05, 2006

Friends of the Malabar Headland are friends of ours....

Visit and see what you can do to put a stop to the commonwealth's plan to sell off this unique urban bushland. If you have been there, you will know why it is so important to keep it exactly the way it is.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Travel Hot Spots - Get there before global warming does....

There was a chilling story in the travel section of the Sun-Herald today which drives home the notion that our future generations will not be able to enjoy the world most spectacular natural sites as there is a good chance that they wont be around for much longer.

These include:

1. Great Barrier Reef
2. The Alps
3. Caribbean Reefs
4. The Himilayas
5. Southern Spain
6. Kenya
7. Tuvalu
8. Tropical North Queensland
9. Maldives
10. Hudson Bay, Canada

In this article, the writer, Clara Iaccarino advises travellers to visit these spectacular places before the sea rises, glaciers melt and water supplies dry up.....

How sad is that?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Peter Garrett at the Coral Sea Community Fair

Peter Garrett had an opportunity to talk to the Maroubra community at the Coral Sea Fair "Celebrating our environment and promoting sustainable living in our community"

He speaks about protecting the Malabar Headland and the Howard govenment not being allowed to build a power plant in the area.

You can see what he had to say here