
If you dont believe that you will be affected by global warming in your lifetime, thats fine. Go tell that to your children!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Peter Gray Victory agains Centennial Coal

Peter Grays victory last week in the Environmental court I believe is the tipping point in the case against greenhouse gas producing fossil fuels in Australia. It was an atypical "David and Goliath" scenario with 26 year old Mr Gray emerging the victor over its stunned giant of an opponent.

What does this mean? It means that coal companies have to start considering the impact that its coal will have on glabal warming whether its burned in NSW or in Japan.

Granted, this win was only in the NSW Land and Environment court however, this has delayed things by a couple of months and appeals could go on for a while.

People of the Earth 1 - 0 Centennial Coal and Government